Privacy policy

Last updated on December 01, 2023.


The present privacy policy informs you on how Recyc Matelas Europe uses and protects the information that you transmit to us, if any, when you use the present site accessible from the following URL: (hereinafter the "Site").
Please note that this privacy policy may be modified or completed at any time by Recyc Matelas Europe, notably in order to comply with any legal or technological evolution. In such a case, the date of the update will be clearly identified at the top of this policy. These modifications are binding on the Internet user as soon as they are put online. It is therefore advisable for the Internet user to consult this privacy policy regularly in order to take note of any changes.


This privacy policy is applicable between the publisher of the Site, i.e. Recyc Matelas Europe, hereinafter "Recyc Matelas Europe", and any person connecting to the Site, hereinafter "the Internet User".


"Site Content": elements of any kind published on the Site, whether or not protected by intellectual property rights, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams, structures, databases or software.
"Internet user": any person connecting to the Site.
" Site": Internet site accessible at the URL, as well as sub-sites, mirror sites, portals and URL variations relating thereto.


This privacy policy applies to all Internet users. Simply browsing the Site implies your full and unreserved acceptance of this policy. The Internet User acknowledges the value of Recyc Matelas Europe's automatic recording systems as proof and, unless he/she can provide proof to the contrary, waives the right to contest them
in the event of a dispute.
Acceptance of this privacy policy implies that Internet users have the necessary legal capacity to do so, or that they are at least 16 years old, or failing this that they have the authorization of a tutor or curator if they are incapable, of their legal representative if they are under 16 years old, or that they hold a mandate if they are acting on behalf of a legal entity.


In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016 and with the national legislation in force, Recyc Matelas Europe provides you with the following information:

4.1 Identity of the data controller

The party responsible for data collection and processing is Recyc Matelas Europe, 174 Avenue Charles-de-Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, SIREN 520 724 162.

4.2 Identity of the Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Delegate is Deshoulières Avocats Associés, 121 boulevard de Sébastopol, 75002 Paris, SIREN 879 733 947,

4.3 Data collection by Recyc Matelas Europe

4.3.1 Collected data Data collected during navigation

When browsing the Site, you consent to Recyc Matelas Europe collecting information relating to your connection data (times, pages viewed, IP address, etc.). Data collected when using the contact form

The use of the contact form by the Internet user implies the collection by Recyc Matelas Europe of the following personal data:
- Last name;
- First name;
- E-mail address.

4.3.2 Purpose of personal data collection

Data collected during browsing is processed automatically for the purposes of developing, operating, improving, providing and managing the Site.
Data collected when using the contact form is processed automatically for the purposes of:
- verifying the identity of the Internet user;
- providing a detailed response to the Internet user;
- ensuring and improving the security of services;
- developing, operating, improving, providing and managing the Site.

4.3.3 Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for the data collected during browsing is Recyc Matelas Europe's legitimate interest, namely to obtain improved security and operation of the Site.
The legal basis for the data collected when using the contact form is the consent of the persons concerned.

4.3.4 Internal data recipients

The data collected can only be consulted by the members of Recyc Matelas Europe's management team and the staff responsible for managing the website, and is never made freely viewable by any third party.

4.3.5 Retention period for personal data

Personal data collected during browsing is kept for a reasonable period necessary for the proper administration of the Site and for a maximum of 12 months, or until the consent of the persons concerned is withdrawn.
Personal data collected during the use of the contact form is kept for a reasonable period necessary for the proper management of the Internet user's request, and for a maximum of 12 months.
At the end of each of these periods, Recyc Matelas Europe will archive this data and keep it for the time during which its responsibility may be called into question.
After this retention period, Recyc Matelas Europe undertakes to permanently delete the data of the persons concerned.

4.3.6 Security and confidentiality of personal data

Personal data is stored in secure conditions, using state-of-the-art technology, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and current national legislation.

4.3.7 Minimization of personal data

Recyc Matelas Europe may also collect and process any data voluntarily transmitted by an Internet user, in particular when sending an email to the contact address.
Recyc Matelas Europe guides Internet users as much as possible when they provide unnecessary or superfluous personal data.
Recyc Matelas Europe undertakes to keep and process only the data strictly necessary for its activities, and will delete any data received that is not useful as soon as possible.

4.4 Respect for rights

You have the following rights concerning your personal data, which you may exercise by writing to us at our postal address or by sending an email to the following address:

4.4.1 Right to information, access and communication of data

You have the right to access your personal data. In view of Recyc Matelas Europe's obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data, your request will only be processed if you provide proof of your identity, in particular by producing a scan of your valid identity document (in the event of a request by e-mail) or a signed photocopy of
your valid identity document (in the event of a request in writing), both accompanied by the words "I certify on my honour that the copy of this identity document is in conformity with the original. Done at ... on ...", followed by your signature. To help you with your request, you will find here a model letter drawn up by

4.4.2 Right to rectify, delete and forget data

You have the right to request the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of your personal data, which may be inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete or obsolete.
You can also define general and specific directives concerning the fate of your personal data after your death. In such cases, the heirs of a deceased person may request that the death of their loved one be taken into account and/or that the necessary updates be made.
To help you with your request, you will find here a model letter drawn up by the Cnil.

4.4.3 Right to object to data processing

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

To do so, please send an e-mail to the following address: . In this e-mail, you will need to specify the data you wish to have deleted, as well as the reasons justifying this request, except in the case of commercial prospecting.

4.4.4 Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided in a transferable, open and readable format.

4.4.5 Right to restrict processing

You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data by Recyc Matelas Europe be limited. In this way, your data can only be stored and no longer used by Recyc Matelas Europe.

4.4.6 Withdrawal of consent

Your consent is essential for Recyc Matelas Europe to process your data. However, you may withdraw your consent at any time. This withdrawal will lead to the deletion of your personal data.
Services requiring the processing of your data by Recyc Matelas Europe will nevertheless no longer be accessible.

4.4.7 Response times

Recyc Matelas Europe undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time, which may not exceed 1 month from receipt of your request.

4.4.8 Complaints to the competent authority

If you consider that Recyc Matelas Europe is not complying with its obligations with regard to your personal information, you may lodge a complaint or a request with the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the Cnil, to which you can send a request here.

4.5 Transfer of collected data

4.5.1 Transfer to partners

Recyc Matelas Europe informs you that we have recourse to authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data you have communicated to us. These service providers may be located outside the European Union and are responsible for communicating the data collected on the Site.
Recyc Matelas Europe has previously ensured that its service providers implement adequate guarantees and comply with strict conditions in terms of confidentiality, use and data protection.
The Internet user consents to the data collected being transmitted by Recyc Matelas Europe to its partners and being processed by these partners in the context of third-party services, namely :

Subcontractor directory

Partner: Linkedin

Destination country: United States

Processing carried out: Management of people's opinions on products, services or content

Warranties: https: //

Partner: Microsoft Outlook

Destination country: United States

Processing carried out: E-mail service

Warranties: https: //

Partner: Webflow

Destination country: United States

Processing performed: Website hosting

Warranties: https: //

4.5.2 Transfer on requisition or court order

The Internet User also consents to Recyc Matelas Europe disclosing the data collected to any person, at the request of a state authority or by court order.

4.5.3 Transfer as part of a merger or acquisition

If Recyc Matelas Europe is involved in a merger, an asset sale, a financing operation, a liquidation or bankruptcy or in an acquisition of all or part of its activity by another company, the Internet User agrees that the data collected will be transmitted by Recyc Matelas Europe to this company and that this company will operate the personal data processing mentioned in the present privacy policy instead of Recyc Matelas Europe.


5.1 Legal protection of Site Content

The Site Content may be protected by copyright and database rights. Any representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation or transformation, in whole or in part, carried out illegally and without the consent of Recyc Matelas Europe or its successors or assigns constitutes a violation of Books I and III of the Intellectual Property Code and may give rise to legal proceedings for counterfeiting.

5.2 Contractual protection of Site Content

The Internet user contractually undertakes to Recyc Matelas Europe not to use, reproduce or represent, in any way whatsoever, the Site's Contents, whether or not they are protected by an intellectual property right, for any purpose other than their reading by a robot or browser. This prohibition does not apply to indexing robots whose sole purpose is to scan the Site Content for indexing purposes.


6.1 Modifications

The present Privacy Policy may be modified at any time by Recyc Matelas Europe. The conditions applicable to the Internet user are those in force at the time of his/her connection to the Site. Any new connection to the Site implies acceptance of the new conditions.

6.2 Entirety

The nullity of one of the clauses of the present contract shall not entail the nullity of the other clauses of the contract or of the contract as a whole, which shall retain their full effect and scope. In such a case, the parties shall, as far as possible, replace the nullified stipulation by a valid stipulation corresponding to the spirit and purpose of the present contract.

6.3 Non-waiver

Recyc Matelas Europe's failure to exercise its rights hereunder shall in no event be construed as a waiver of said rights.

6.4 Languages

These conditions are available in French.

6.5 Unfair terms

The stipulations of the present conditions apply subject to compliance with the mandatory provisions of the French Consumer Code concerning unfair terms in contracts concluded between a professional and a consumer.


7.1 Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is subject to the application of French law and European regulations, in particular the European Data Protection Regulation.

7.2 Disputes

Pursuant to Ordinance no. 2015-1033 of August 20, 2015, any disputes that may arise in connection with the performance of these general terms and conditions and for which an amicable solution has not previously been found between the parties shall be submitted to an approved mediator.

7.3 Arbitration

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the FastArbitre rules of the Digital Institute of Arbitration and Mediation.